Hi Friends!
Worlds Highest Capacity: Want to record a full 24 hours of HD video, grab every photo that catches your eye on just one memory card? The new breakthrough line of SanDisk microSD UHS-I memory cards for Android™ smartphones and tablets makes the "what to keep, what to delete" dilemma history - with 128GBof storage you can carry and keep it all!

Big features:The SanDisk Ultra microSD HmicroSDX UHS-I card is small in size, but big on features. It’s fast, durable, and ideal for recording high quality photos and video. What’s more, with an unprecedented 128GB capacity, it’s perfect for today’s Android smartphone and tablet users who want the highest possible storage capacity on hand so they never have to worry about running out of space.

Produced by acclaimed Hollywood film studio Stargate Studios, see how people around the world record their lives on smartphones and tablets using SanDisk microSD memory cards.
Size matters:microSD memory cards measure only 0.59in x 0.43in x 0.03in (15 mm x 11 mm x 1.0 mm), but we’ve managed to pack in more capacity than ever - enough space to record 24 hours of HD video on a single card! What’s more, SanDisk Ultra microSDXC cards are Water-proof, temperature proof, X-ray proof, magnet proof, and shock proof, and are twice as fast as ordinary microSD cardsfor your best photo and Full HD video.

The "What shall I delete?" is history:We’ve all been there: the once in a lifetime moment is right in front of you, but your smartphone’s out of space so you can’t shoot any more video or even one last picture. But now, with our new 128GB microSDXC memory cards, there’s space for up to 24 hours of HD video or over 70,000 photos** so you’ll never have to worry about running out of space on your smartphone or tablet ever again. The "what to keep, what to delete" dilemma is history.

SanDisk® Memory Zone app:Download the free SanDisk Memory Zone app (Available on the Google Play™ store) to easily view, access, and backup all of your files from your phone’s memory in one convenient place. And the new OptiMem™ feature helps your smartphone run at its peak performance, by automatically off-loading files from your smartphone’s internal memory to the memory.

The Original From TECHDEBUTE
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